Healthier Systems
Too many people still lack access to adequate healthcare, resulting in preventable morbidity and mortality, and lower productivity in regions with higher rates of poor health.
​Everyone should have access to quality health care, yet it is still not a reality with many people unable to receive diagnosis and treatment due to lack of availability, affordability, or barriers such as racism, digital illiteracy, or language. As a result, people are left struggling with poor health or dying from preventable illnesses.
This also has a knock on effect for society, with those living in poor health at risk of unemployment or lower productivity at work. Improving the health of communities would bring economic benefits through improved employment rates, wages, and more productive employees.
Our Healthier Systems challenge is focusing on researching:
- how to improve the access, delivery and resourcing of health and social care.
- how secure, safe employment can improve health and wellbeing.
- how the health of individuals and communities can impact the productivity in cities and regions.
Health and Social Care
The organisation, management, resourcing and delivery of healthcare, and questions of access to care.
Ethnicity and Racism
Addressing racism to improve health outcomes for people from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Poverty and Deprivation
Investigating solutions to poor health and wellbeing caused by poverty and deprivation.
Case studies
The digital healthcare revolution
University of Manchester researchers explore who might be left behind in the move to digital healthcare and what policymakers can do to mitigate against emergent inequalities.
Ethnic Minority Older People and COVID-19
Briefing paper by CoDE and The Runnymede Trust shows how pre-existing inequalities led to older people from ethnic minorities suffering particularly harshly from COVID 19.
Improving extended access to primary care
University of Manchester researchers evaluated two NHS schemes that provided 7-day access to general practice services across Greater Manchester.
Institutes and Centres
The Christabel Pankhurst Institute
A unique partnership between the University, NHS, business and local government, working together to translate world-leading research into new products and services.
Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE)
The Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) is the UK’s leading centre of research into ethnic, racial and religious inequalities.
The Cancer Research Institute
A leading cancer research institute within The University of Manchester, spanning the whole spectrum of cancer research.