About Healthier Futures
Health inequalities span the globe, affecting individuals, communities, and populations. From gender to geography, economics to ethnicity, all these factors and more affect the opportunities people have to lead healthy lives.
The University of Manchester’s Healthier Futures Research Platform is bringing together academics, policy makers, campaign groups and businesses to act upon the causes and consequences of health inequalities around the world. The Platform will focus on themes including, but not limited to, poverty and deprivation, the environment, employment and productivity, children and young people, ageing, ethnicity and racism, and health and social care resourcing, access and delivery.
The Healthier Futures Research Platform will:
- Mobilise research across disciplines at the University of Manchester to address health inequalities and ensure healthier futures for all.
- Build capacity and communities.
- Showcase the University of Manchester’s groundbreaking interdisciplinary collaborations.
- Develop solutions in partnership with practitioners, policymakers and publics.
Healthier Futures is a strategic research priority for The University of Manchester due to:
The unique position of the Greater Manchester region
- A diverse population of 3 million people that experiences significant health inequalities.
- Significant local political appetite to address challenges, building on the GM Inequalities Commission and reports from Michael Marmot (Build Back Fairer) and Health Equity North.
- Devolution gives us greater integration of health, social care, local and regional government.
Our broad and deep expertise, spanning disciplines, topics and methods
- Much of our work focuses on the 'upstream' causes of health and care inequalities.
- Strong relationships with our communities and local NHS.
- Data assets (including GM Secure Data Environment for population health and care research).
- University commitment to social impact and strong performance for delivery against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings).
- Existing, internationally-recognised, research capabilities in global inequalities, which is one of our five research beacons.
- International partnerships (such as Kenya, Toronto, the Chinese University of Hong Kong) that allow us to work with populations and healthcare systems around the world to have global impact.
Our future
The University of Manchester's vision and strategic plan builds on a rich heritage of discovery, social change and pioneering spirit.
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Better health and wellbeing for everyone
The University is committed to promoting good health and wellbeing for our staff, students and communities, both locally and globally.
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